Workshop Schedule

Workshop schedule with info about all talks, posters and sessions.


Invited Speakers

Our keynote speakers will highlight significant research and challenges in scholarly document processing.

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Shared Tasks

The workshop will host two shared tasks spanning a wide range of topics.

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Workshop Overview

As the body of scholarly literature grows, automated methods in NLP, text mining, information retrieval, document understanding etc. are needed to address issues of information overload, disinformation, reproducibility, and more. Though progress has been made, there are significant unique challenges to processing scholarly text that require dedicated attention. The goal of this workshop is to provide a venue for addressing these challenges, as well as a platform for tasks and resources supporting the processing of scientific documents. Our long-term objective is to establish scholarly and scientific texts as an essential domain for NLP research, to supplement current efforts on web text and news articles.

This workshop builds on the success of prior workshops: the SDP workshop held at ACL in 2024, COLING in 2022, NAACL in 2021 and EMNLP in 2020, and the SciNLP workshop held at AKBC 2020 and AKBC 2021. Both workshops received numerous submissions and were well attended, demonstrating that interest in this area seems to be growing rapidly. In addition to having broad appeal within the NLP community, we expect that the SDP workshop will attract researchers from other relevant fields including meta-science, scientometrics, data mining, information retrieval, and digital libraries, bringing together these disparate communities within the ACL.

Important Dates

Paper submission deadline March 1, 2025
Pre-reviewed (ARR) submission deadline March 25, 2025
Notification of paper acceptance April 17, 2025
Camera-ready submission of accepted papers May 16, 2025
Workshop Date July 31 – August 1, 2025

All submission deadlines are 11:59 PM AoE (Anywhere on Earth) Time Zone (UTC-12).